Landscape Timber Locomotive Planter Pattern

Item #W1361PL

This eye catching Locomotive planter is sure to be the focal point of your yard or garden--and you can make it yourself from low-cost landscape timbers!

This project features a covered cab, smokestack, two sizes of wheels, authentic-look cowcatcher and a generous planting area that you can fill with potting soil or simply place your favorite pre-potted plant inside.

Our project plans include full-size patterns, materials list, cutting layouts so you don't waste material and complete assembly instructions.
(about 70" long)

Add more planting area by adding Train Cars behind your Locomotive. Order Train Car plans separately.

Order Locomotive Parts Kit #W1361KIT available below along with 3 boxes of our Landscape Timber Screws (#X105)

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Recommended Add-ons

$16.99 $10.19